with a heavy heart i've decided this will be the last post for our blog. the decision has come during a difficult chapter for our family.
as most of you know, jim lost his job this time last year and immediately a job close to home was sought after. the search ended four months ago when the decision was made that a 9-5 weekly job would be taken over 800 miles from our home in chicago (yes we live in maryland).
i wish i could say this has been an easy transition for our family. for our marriage. i'm sure most of you can imagine the answer to that one. it has been an emotional roller coaster that simply has no end. the waves have ranged from overwhelmed, lonely, to recently bitterness and resentfulness.
our family would very much appreciate any thoughts and prayers and are thankful for each and everyone of you that has followed our stories and enjoyed the photos. i truly miss having the time each day to share them with you. however the plate is full, the load is heavy and i must give my children 100% of what i have left to give.
with much love, tara