Tuesday, February 28, 2006

its been too long

since my last post! do i even have any readers left out there? :) actually greyson would like to hear from some of you... enough said. heres what we've been up to lately:

trying to cut top four teeth, all at once -ouch!
walking like crazy and faster now too!
says doctor, sorta sounds like "doc-ta"
at any given moment, pats your back says "back" and wants a piggyback ride
and when you ask him what the dinosaur says... he "ROARS"!!!!
i love having a little dude!

Our days are trying to warm up, we played outside today!

hey... where's greyson?

OK -i admit it, i'm a horrible mommy... i clicked a picture, then i helped my son. he just looked so darn cute stuck under his little car!!
don't worry, he bounces back quickly!!


Spikey1 said...

Who are you again??? ;)

Drywall Mom said...

That's cool, mine just got her second tooth in and said her first word.

Renee said...

Oh, that picture with him stuck in the car cracked me up! Too cute. Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is.

Michelle said...

Welcome back. I would have taken the picture first too. It was so cute!

Shannon said...

Yeah, I would have taken the picture first too!

chesneygirl said...

I'm still here! :)

I wish was warm enough here for my son to play outside!

Fun pictures!

Unknown said...

That is hysterical!!!! My daughter did that in her little red plastic sports car...those are the moments you have to take pictures. How else are you going to embarass your kiddos in front of their HS boy/girl friends!?!?!?!? Isnt that what being a mom is about!?!? :)

New visitor----LOVE it!

{LyndsD} said...

Welcome back!!!

Loving all that you have been up too.. and greyson just keeps on getting so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

hahhahahah that is hilarious!!!!! yeah, i do that too! snap a picture and then go and rescue!

PetiteMommy said...

Too cute! My little guy has the same car and does the same thing. I would have totally done the same thing for such a CUTE pic!

Chris Streeter Davis said...

I love the pictures! Sorry I haven't been by lately...still trying to learn everything about my new little angel. :)

Mom on the Run said...

your blog is one of the most beautiful I have ever visited! beautiful photos! will be back! take care!

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

how cute! I would have done the same thing...snap a picture before I helped him! What a cutie he is. Hope your making it through teething.

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