Thursday, February 16, 2006


i think we are both in trouble when daddy comes home...

if you are wondering what the white stuff is -well it's white arcyrlic paint. by the way, does anybody know how to get it out of carpet? i have until tomorrow afternoon to figure it out, or we are both toast!! : 0 -i'm still trying to figure out if i'm going to blame him, or if he's gonna blame me!!!!!!!! oh man, another fine mess we've got into while daddy's away........


Anonymous said...

Not even going to ask why arcylic paint... hmmm hairspray?

Renee said...

That's funny! I thought it was just icing or something. With a face like that, can anyone ever be mad at him?!

chesneygirl said...

Oh no! Wish I had a remedy for ya!
Too cute picture tho!

Hope you don't get in too much trouble! :)

Shannon said...

I think this little guy is an innocent bystander, mom!!!! Good luck!

Drywall Mom said...

I would call a carpet company to see what they say, they usually have the best advice.

Kimmy said...

Did he swallow the paint? I thought it was icing.

Precious picture!

Blame it on him...and hide behind him. Who can get mad at such a precious baby?

Tracy S said...

OH My!!!

OOOpps :)

adorable picture though

PetiteMommy said...

Oh I don't know...but your little guy is too cute...mess and all...

Chris Streeter Davis said...

I love all the new pictures you have posted. Sorry I haven't been by as little angel has had me busy! :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! :)

Michelle said...

I hope none of the paint was swallowed! So how did dad react?

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