having random urges for strange foods, has been quite funny this pregnancy. when i was pregnant with greyson the only craving i had was for bacon. it was quite a mild craving that didn't last very long. every once in a while a BLT sandwich just sounded good to me. but this time..... wow! i want (need) anything SOUR! the daily list includes: pickled beets, dill pickles, and brussel sprouts or spinach drenched in vinegar!
what kind of pregnancy cravings did you guys have?
what kind of pregnancy cravings did you guys have?
Hi Tara! Thanks for dropping by! I am so glad you have come back to Blogger land. Congratulations on your pregnancy, how exciting! (or did I congratulate you yet?) My cravings with Sam was the same as yours right now....pickles!!!!! They had to be the Kosher dill with garlic, so yummy! I swear I went through 4 or 5 jars. I also went through lots of spinach and other veggies. I'm so happy for you! eat up!!
Hi Tara!! So nice to "meet" you =-)
I haven't been pregnant yet (anytime now Lord!!=-)) but I hope I crave veggies like you! I have a feeling I will be stuck craving MORE girl scout cookies..HA!
Have a great night!!
Hi Tara! I've tried to stop by several times before but only pictures and no words came up on your blog! Tonight it worked! Aren't the cravings so crazy? With Graham I craved chicken, (my poor husband would go out in the middle of the night to get me chicken strips!) with Greg it was salsa and red grapes and with Lauren it was pineapple. So strange!
I'll be back to see what you are having - how exciting!!
Eww, pickled beets! Where do you even find those! LOL
I craved Captain D's with my first and McDonald's with my 2nd. Neither one are places I liked before that.
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