Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday... then & now

happy thursday everybody! in celebration of a years' worth of baby pictures... i've decided to dedicate thursdays to our photos over the last year and present ones too. i'm calling it thursday... then & now. below are some photos of greyson exactly one year ago today. he was two days old, and we were getting him dressed and ready to leave the hospital in the first one. the second picture is of him, bundled up in his infant carseat (his present weight is 18 pounds... he is still in that same carseat, but that's another story) arriving home for the first time! the last one is two nights ago, after his party ended. he was all ready for bed, just playing for five more minutes ; ) no matter how many new toys he receives, he always manages to find his favorite one.


Michelle said...

your new page looks awesome!

Chris Streeter Davis said...

The pictures are precious. I hope I will be taking newborn pictures soon...
I love the new look too!! Very cute, Ginger always does wonderfully! ;)

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

Great pictures! I LOVE LOVE your new design!! I'm so jealous!!

Ex-playgroup mommy said...

I added you to my blogs that I read!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Nice to look back like that,

{LyndsD} said...

LOVIN' THE NEW LOOK!!! :) You go girl!!!

Love the pictures and the themed day! Great Idea...

Hope you have a great weekend! Hope to chat soon. :)

Renee said...

How cute is the picture of him all bundled up in the carseat? You'd think he couldn't get any cuter, right? But that would be wrong too. Just look at his little feet in his 1-year old picture!

tara said...

hi everybody! thank-you for the compliments on my new blog design... however credit goes totally to the fabulous ginger!! i *love* what she did!! so glad i found her through chris. speaking of chris... baby B was suppose to come on tuesday, no?? ;)

Anonymous said...

The pictures are abolutley precious. I love looking in my childrens baby albums and remembering all the special moments, one by one.

Drywall Mom said...

I like your new template, your husband looks like a kevin bacon look a like. Love the pictures.

Shannon said...

Love your new look! Ginger rocks!

Happy 1st birthday, big boy!!!

Heather said...

How sweet, newborns are sooooooo small!!

Chris Streeter Davis said...

AAAAHHHH!!!! Don't remind me! :) she is taking her sweet little time. ;)

Staci said...

Your new blog is awesome!
Isn't Ginger great?!

I am just mesmerized by your photos. You really capture the innocense and the magic of your subjects. Very talented.

Little Greyson is absolutely adorable!

chesneygirl said...

Aaaawww! More adorable pictures!! :)

Lovin' the new look too!

Brighton said...

Ginger did such a beautiful job on your blog! Of course the adorable pics are wonderful too!

Anonymous said...

It is so funny to always see him go for that toy!

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